Types of Role-Playing Games

Over the millennia, humanity sure has made itself quite the reputation among its cohabitants. We’re ambitious, relentless, territorial. However, one quality we possess that certainly commands awe is our boundless imagination which underlies every milestone that has and will be achieved in the history of civilization.

It certainly doesn’t come as a surprise that we would eventually create a medium where we could wield this weapon without having to worry about any consequence. And the best part? It’s all from the comfort of the living room couch with the help of a gaming console, phone, tablet, or PC.

The Most Popular RPG Sub-Categories

From the humble beginning as a tabletop game, RPGs have developed into an inspiring and absorbing experience in various forms, like the millennial targeted RPG online slots and sports betting. Here are the most popular RPG categories.

Action RPGs

These games focus more on the combat aspects and emphasize real-time combat. The players tend to control a single character rather than a party with multiple roles and abilities. Action RPGs give the player real-time control over game characters, their choices, movement, and combat. When it comes to gaming consoles, the term “action RPG” is more commonly employed. On the PC, action RPGs are mixed in with the traditional hack & slash genre. Great examples of action RPG games would be the Diablo and Elder Scrolls series.

Strategy RPGs

In this sub-genre, battles take place on a map, and the player deploys character units to fight against opponents. Character and party development are more important than battle choices since stronger, higher-leveled enemies tend to overwhelm underdeveloped parties. Franchises like Neverwinter and Final Fantasy are great representatives of this category.

Adventure RPGs

You could call these the opposite of action RPGs. An adventure RPG emphasizes the narrative and character development rather than all that action, combat, and blood. The player must progress through the story by collecting specific objects and special weaponry, meeting essential NPCs, developing their abilities or skills, and completing key objectives. Some good adventure RPG examples are series like Disgaea and Fire Emblem.


Short for Massively Multiplayer Online RPGs, these games gather large numbers of players from all over the world, allowing them to interact over the internet and experience the game together. MMORPGs combine features from several sub-genres, but they’re typically combat-focused with a significant emphasis on acquiring rare and powerful items to improve a character’s attributes or appearance. Some famous MMOs include World of Warcraft, Ultima Online, and Black Desert Online.

What Makes RPGs Great?

Whether they’re focused on action or story, certain factors and gameplay mechanics keep players tied to their sears with their favorite RPG games.

  • The story

Who doesn’t love an epic story? Even an all-out slaughterhouse still needs some direction. The best RPGs feature plots that can keep the interest of players with a perfect blend of intense action and reflection-provoking scenes.

  • The soundtrack

Music can make any moment seem more impactful than it actually is. Conversely, terrible music can make even the most crucial moments feel mediocre. Besides, you’re not going to play over and over while singing along scenes that have poor soundtracks. Yes, it’s a thing.

  • The setting

A variety of available locations to explore makes players spend time trying to explore the entire map of the game world. And it’s extra nice when it’s a model of an actual location.

Game on!

Although they’ve come a long way, role-playing games don’t show any sign of slowing down. Every sub-genre has its own loyal fans, from those who enjoy combat to players that care more about world-building. Whatever your preferences may be, there’s a perfect RPG for you out there.